Há exatos 7 meses saí em busca da chamada "vida digital" e de me tornar o tão famigerado híbrido-on-off-propagation-whatever-planner. No dia-a-dia, muitas coisas mudaram e outras nem tanto. Mas o saldo é um bajilhão de aprendizados. E aí resolvi reunir alguns sob a série de posts Digital&Confused. Espero que nos ajude a entender tudo isso melhor. =)
Digital&Confused: Storybuilding instead of Storytelling
The Future Of Advertising da Fast Company descreve a agonia do mefcado [e profissionais] offline tentando fazer sua migração para o universo on. E disso sobram alguns aprendizados valorosos:
EM primeiro lugar, "There's never been a better time to be in advertising," says Aaron Reitkopf, North American CEO of digital agency Profero.
"Creative teams now need to behave more like improv actors -- "story building" instead of storytelling -- so they can respond in real time to an unpredictable audience. Marketing actually needs to be useful -- "use-vertising" instead of advertising -- which means that you must think more like a product developer than an entertainer. While campaigns once promised glossy anthemic concepts, perfected before being shipped off to the waiting client, digital is incremental, experimental, continually optimized -- "perpetual beta" -- and never, ever finished."
Um tratado muito lúcido sobre as particularidades do digital thinking, o novo tipo de relação entre cliente e agência[s] e o problema central dessa grande transição: too much ego.
"Says Victors & Spoils chief creative officer Evan Fry: "I think the new model is scary because all of us in the ad industry want to feel, at least from a creative point of view, that we have something no one else has. So if you're really good at it, you had to go to Creative Circus or Portfolio Center; you had to pay for it."
Queria que os profesores das faculdades de propaganda falassem algumas dessas coisas.
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